On hole #16 at LaFortune, Player A’s tee shot came to rest near the trunk of a large tree on the left-hand side of the fairway:
The ball was located very near a large tree root that protruded from the ground, and the player asked if he was entitled to free relief.
Under USGA Rules, there is no free relief in the circumstance presented thus far. However, upon closer inspection, we noted that there was a colony of large black ants swarming the area surrounding the player’s ball.
USGA Rule 16.2a states: A “dangerous animal condition” exists when a dangerous animal (such as snakes, stinging bees, alligators, fire ants or bears) near a ball could cause serious physical injury to the player if they had to play the ball as it lies. I don’t know for certain whether the ants in this case were potentially dangerous or merely a nuisance, but I also don’t see any reason to tempt fate! My recommendation in such cases would always be to err on the side of caution—that is, dangerous unless known otherwise.
Ordinarily, under Rule 16.2b(1), a player would be entitled to free relief under Rule 16.1 Relief from Abnormal Course Conditions (such as a cart path), which is what I advised the player. He then identified the nearest point of complete relief, dropped his ball within the appropriate relief area, and took his next stroke.
Unfortunately, I now know that I advised the player incorrectly. Rule 16.2b(3) goes on to state: There is no free relief under [this Rule] when playing the ball as it lies is clearly unreasonable because of something from which the player is not allowed to take free relief (such as when a player is unable to make a stroke because of where the ball lies in a bush). I knew this exception applies to all circumstances under Rule 16.1, but in the moment I deduced that it surely must not also apply to a dangerous animal condition.
Well, I was wrong… the exception applies to dangerous animal conditions as well. And in this case, the player’s ball was resting so close to the tree that the tree trunk would have made it nearly impossible to take a normal stroke. So, technically the player was not entitled to free relief.
I’m not sure that I agree with the Exception in this circumstance. I understand that free relief cannot be a “get out of jail free” card, but I also know that dedicated golfers will take unreasonable risks to avoid incurring a penalty stroke (see Life and Death Cliffhanger in the Golf Rules Blog). I would feel just awful if a player were to incur an actual injury from a dangerous animal just because he elected to take an unwise risk. I understand that my “safety first” attitude is not shared by everyone, but I sure would hate to be the official who had to deliver such a Ruling.
In hindsight, I wish I’d had the presence of mind to advise the player that he was entitled to try simulating his stance using an abnormal address, such as a behind-the-back shot:
I’ve seen this player attempt such a stroke many times, so it would have been completely reasonable under the circumstances. If the player had interference from the ants with this setup—which I believe he would—then he would be entitled to take free relief under Rule 16.1 after all!
Now if the player had successfully demonstrated interference for his behind-the-back shot and taken free relief on that basis, would he then be required to carry through with his original behind-the-back stroke? The answer is no… USGA Clarification 16.1/1 states: If a player receives a better lie, area of intended swing or line of play in taking relief under Rule 16.1, this is the player’s good fortune. There is nothing in Rule 16.1 that requires them to maintain identical conditions after relief is taken.
So maybe I didn’t get it wrong after all… I just got it right for the wrong reason!